Metal Prints


 Landscape & Wildlife Metal Prints

Metal Prints
Metal Prints come ready to hang, and float approximately 1″ from the wall with a built in spacer. Unlike frames and paper prints, metal prints are relatively durable and can be sprayed and wiped down for cleaning, without issues of mold and warping over time. 

Prints come in a glossy or satin finish by request. The glossy has a back lit, almost LCD like effect and makes for a vibrant image. Satin finish is good for areas in high glare or dim lighting. Satin also can add dramatic effect to darker images by absorbing light in the dark spaces. Orders not specified in notes will be processed as glossy. Contact me if you have specific concerns about your hanging space size or light availability. 

Commercial Space
Large quantity order pricing available for commercial, office, furnished housing, and hotel spaces.

Custom Prints
Paper and custom mediums also available upon request. Larger and custom size prints available. Contact me for a consultation. 


Click on image to order



Metal Prints Sizes and Pricing 

12×18   $130 
16×24  $200
20×30 $350
24×36 $500

Larger prints and custom sizing available by request


Click here to order Metal Morale Patches and Dog Tags